We have adopted this little fur ball into our family and long to shower him with love and treats. At first when we gave him a treat, zing, he was off and running, quickly munching his snack. It was like he didn't trust us enough to stay near with such a precious morsel. When we brought him his meal of good grade dog food, he seemed more content searching for chewed gum that my 5 year old evidently has littered the yard with. He just can't fathom that he is cared for, nor recognize the good food versus flavorless gum (perhaps that's what he survived on when we was ownerless) The gum is familiar food and the healthy stuff is foreign to him. As time has passed and trust has grown, he now receives the treats and stays near as though to enjoy it together. As far as meals, well, he is eating his share of dog food but I don't think he'll ever give up his gum!!
Like Kody, we have been adopted into God's family after wondering the world scavenging for life wherever we thought we could find it. I know God longs to lead me and give me good things. But like Kody, as soon as God's treat is given I can be off--longing to receive direction or understanding from Him but not so sure how to linger in His presence for the shear delight of it. As I draw near and worship and listen to His still, small voice, I find that that is the tastier treat--the very presence of my true Father. I am giving up my "gum"--things like the approval of others, service for the sake of being seen and appreciated (as opposed to Him leading and opening the way for His glory), critical thoughts that steal much of my joy, fear of the unknown, etc. I have chewed on these so long, it can be hard to give up because they are so familiar--praise God that Jesus came to give me life that is truly life with joy, freedom, peace, love and all the fruits of the spirit. Truly His word, His presence, His truth is the real meal. May Kody and I quit looking for chewed, flavorless, lifeless gum when the Master's hand has something so much better!!!
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