We have raised chicks in a box with a heat lamp (a brooder) but this is our first time having a hen mother the chicks. I wanted to contrast the two as this is so relevant to our walks with Jesus and also Heart Revolution ministry--through our events God removes what keeps His children from coming under His wings so we might know Him deeper, trust Him and LIVE for Him--check out the comparison:
Raising chicks with a brooder (similar to being a non-Christian or a Christian who only knows the historic/factual Jesus, but not the LIVING savior)
The chicks are on their own, taken from their mother really, and placed in a sterile environment to satisfy their instincts. The owner of them has to force their beaks into the waterer to teach them to drink, or they would not know the water source. The chicks have a huge pecking desire and will peck anything from food, to bedding to feces--they simply do not know what to nourish themselves with as they do not know food from refuse! Some die because their crop gets plugged with bedding. When the chicks get bigger and are introduced to the adult flock, if it is done improperly, the adults peck the heads of the chicks and try to kill them. There is no mother to defend them from the "bullies" or any other enemy, so the chicks hide with their heads in the corner trying to protect themselves from being mauled--if they are pecked and live, they are scarred for life and the feathers never grow over that wounded place!
Hen and Chicks (taking refuge in Jesus, the living savior and listening for His voice)
Chicks with a hen have a consistent heat source to warm them coupled with a shelter from the storms--underneath her wings. The hen will lead the chicks out and show them what to drink and eat. With her voice she will cluck to direct them to something for their benefit or with that same voice gather them to herself when she sees danger--indeed she is a refuge, shelter and strength for the chicks, just like Jesus. AND she defends her chicks from the attacks of the other birds or any other enemy--they are fought for and protected because they are not on their own. Because they are led and defended, the chicks have the freedom to explore their surroundings--they don't need to hide in small, safe places like a brooder nor hide in a corner, unsure of their acceptance, just to survive.
Because of the loving care of the hen and the familiarity of her voice, the chicks are secure in their trust of her, run to her in times of trouble and can venture out to really LIVE knowing they are protected and fought for. The chicks feed on good food being shown what to eat so they are not choked or killed by something they shouldn't eat/find comfort or nourishment from. This is just like trusting Jesus has not left us abandoned, He is the mighty warrior defending us, He is the voice of truth that sustains us with rich nourishment and replaces the soul-killing lies from the enemy with truth so we might stand strong and come out of hiding or seeking comfort from anything other than our heavenly Father who longs for us to draw near, under His wings---
Let's run to HIM!!!!
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