I have to admit I don't like the bumper sticker that says "God is my co-pilot." It makes me think that I'm in charge and God is passively sitting there as a helper or the back up plan. This rubs my theology of Him being sovereign and omnipotent all wrong. However, last week my oldest daughter got her driver's permit and that has given me a new view of "co-pilot." Since I'm the experienced driver she constantly checks in with me as she's driving for instruction, encouragement, directions as to where to go, advice on how to handle a new situation, etc. I also am speaking wisdom into her regularly as the need arises, or even when it doesn't because I love her and want what's best for her and enjoy sharing our relationship with a new adventure/skill.
I guess if you view us as children of God having a new driver's permit in this skill called life, we sure need a co-pilot to love, guide, teach, comfort and encourage us!! We better live in constant communication hence we crash or get lost!! Now that makes a sovereign God a co-pilot because He longs for us to come to Him to show the way!! He's not the back-up plan, but the Author of THE Plan of Life and I am blessed when I listen and follow Him--He is the way, the truth and the life!!
Wonderful insight!