Last summer we installed an invisible fence to keep Kody off of the highway that we live on. We've lost many cats to the road and did not want to lose him. We noticed how timid he was in the yard and really not very playful, but chocked it up to him being a puppy and maybe not having the energy since he was still growing. We also knew he did NOT like getting zapped when he would cross the fence and he made sure to stay VERY clear of the boundary. Over the winter, the fence stopped working and Kody came alive! He'd play fetch, run and terrorize the chickens,

As he is trusting us and following us further from the porch, he sees he is safe. He is still a bit reserved, but is making strides to overcome his fear. I kind of laugh, kind of sympathize with the poor little guy. But I realized I am not much different at times. I have fears that hold me captive...that keep me in safe places; "porch dwelling". Sometimes the older we get the more stuck we can become by just going through the routines that have worked for so many years and not really attempting anything new. Someone told me that FEAR could be an acronym for false evidence appearing real. Like Kody, thinking that the whole yard was out to get him because there are a few areas to avoid, I too can build a case against myself as to why I can't...and I stay in the small, safe places. This is not really living an adventure with God, trusting Him to take me to new or different places, nor is it advancing His is orphan thinking that I need to protect myself and stay safe...just exist.
Jesus came to set the captives free. To help porch dwellers like me experience freedom, risk, love, simply MORE. I am not under the yoke of slavery anymore, but have been given a new heart, a new life and He is redeeming those things that once held me captive. He has set boundaries in safe places (Ps. 16)--boundaries with unhealthy relationships, the stress of too much on my plate, fears like the unknown or the future (I can be a control freak wanting to know the next step in complete detail), or fear of public speaking (He has ever so gently led me step by step to an ever increasing public speaking ministry!), fear for my kids, fear from my own insecurities...All of these could hold me hostage and keep me porch dwelling and not really living.

"I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free." (Ps. 119:32)
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