You've heard of "Just say no" to drugs because of the ill effects on your health--physically and mentally. However, worry is no less harmful. I shared a quote on Facebook that said, "Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere." The more I think about it, that makes the effects of worry sound actually peaceful; like a little old lady rocking on her porch as she knits baby booties. So I must add, "Just say no to worry"!
As I reflect on the effects of worry in my own life, I think its much more like tangling with a raging lion. Its like trying to keep the teeth at bay--much effort is used up in self protection, fixing the issue and eyes are totally on the "problem". It can feel productive, honestly, because it is protective--trying to figure out the way to safety for yourself or the one you are worrying about. It can be about control--in a fallen world, our heart cries for order and is frustrated by smacks of injustice, confusion, hurt, fear, being overwhelmed, or just things that irritate.
The fall brought our hearts the knowledge of good and evil...we now "naturally" take ownership of things that never were ours to carry or figure out. Gone is the complete trust and daily face to face communion with God...leaving our hearts independent, living as orphans in a scary world. Worry and fretting usually lead to the problem looking bigger than it is, create a striving spirit to "fix it" or a depressed/overwhelmed, tired soul. This is a huge cost with larger implications. Lost sleep robbing us of joy and energy that could be used for good, those over indulgences to temporarily give comfort/relief that actually bring shame, simply stress that makes us less graceful to others, or depression can set in that takes a life--either the quality of life or literally, physical life.

How about you, where are your lions? Are they raging in your face/heart/mind? Have you talked with Jesus about what's bothering you and let Him put a cage around it? He can and will carry it too! May you look back at your life and remember His faithfulness to you and others and gain the courage to trust Him in the face of the teeth that are coming at you! Trust Him, Talk to Him...I know its easier said than done, but take heed or you will get bit!
Job 4:8,10 "...those who sow trouble reap it. The lions may roar and growl, yet the teeth of the great lions are broken."
Amen, sister! I am going to go put some lions in cages now :)