Luke 10:38-41 is the famous passage about Martha being all busy and Mary adoringly sitting at Jesus' feet. First I want to point out that Martha is a go getter, she is the one who scripture says opened her home to Jesus and his disciples in their time of need--this shows a generous heart. She did miss the point of opening a home--fellowship and focused on preparations only. This is lesson number one from these two ladies...relationships come before duty. Don't let your "to do" list rule your life and cause you to miss your savior and other important relationships. This is especially timely as Christmas draws near! Life comes from time with Jesus, not crossing off your list!
The second story of these ladies is in their time of need...Lazarus' death (John 11). Mary and Martha are in their home with many friends who have come to comfort them. Jesus is making his way to them. Martha hears of this and goes out to meet him and we are told that Mary stays home. Martha spends some time with Jesus outside of the city and makes an amazing declaration of faith in the midst of her great loss. She then goes back and gets Mary. We are not told why Mary stayed home, but I wonder if its because she was too overcome with her own emotions. This is the second lesson...emotions are not to rule our life either. Martha chose to go to Jesus with her emotions and didn't wait until she "had it all together" before she sought Him. Both women when they see Jesus are very real with Him...they both are disappointed, having sent word of Lazarus' sickness that Jesus didn't come sooner to heal him. Of course we know His timing WAS perfect and meant for even greater good and glory. In fact by Lazarus dying and friends coming to comfort the sisters, MANY witnessed his coming back to life and we are told, many put their faith in Jesus that day.
There is a third account in John 12. Its very similar to when we first meet Mary and Martha...a dinner. I think this is a wonderful picture of them being who they were created to be in perfect balance. They are hosting a dinner in Jesus' honor. It says Martha served, Lazarus reclined at the table with Jesus and Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet. Each adoring Jesus with what they do best...an overflow of their heart. Martha is not rebuked for too much fretting...she must have learned from the first dinner! She pours out her heart with her hospitality skills. Mary pours out her emotion in a very tangible way.
Each of us has gifts and natural bents, may we pour them out in adoration for Jesus, but let them not rule us!
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