When someone shares a burden with me, I have to say I can quickly offer sympathy or jump to advice giving and find myself carrying the burden that isn't mine to carry and weighed down. So much human wisdom and understanding is passed around the church today--this can really be living life apart from the Holy Spirit. Fellowship is essential but only when it enhances walking with God and doesn't replace it. Advice giving can make others dependent on the advice giver and creates a good name for that person among peers, but is not pointing them to the Great I Am. Jesus said the government (burdens) rests on His shoulders, not mine! He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace! (Is. 9:6)
A place to start when tempted to jump in with advice is to ask, "What is God telling you about this?" or simply, "Let's pray!" than to ramble with advice or scripture. No human will ever see the WHOLE picture as well as God. By inviting others to seek Him when they may be looking to you for advice, can free you from burdens while actively "doing something" about them at the same time. It honors God to seek Him and solicit His counsel for someone else especially when they have asked for it, knowing they are seeking Him as well and wanting confirmation, or

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trust in you...Lord they came to you in their distress." Isaiah 26:3, 16