How do you live with desires in your heart and the delay of their fulfillment? The simple yet complex answer is WAIT. I've personally have struggled with waiting--how do you wait proactively my heart cries out? Some practicals based on Psalm 37: 3-7,23,24 are: worship and enjoy God simple for who He is knowing He longs to be sought after and often will use desire to drive us to more of Him; live in the inspiration of who He is and His promises as this produces trust and patience; live each day fully present and not just dreaming about the future; practice thankfulness for where you are right now knowing this produces contentment; seek godly counsel knowing God will confirm or redirect what is on your heart--He's not a God of confusion; create space in your schedule to let your heart be quiet to hear from God without demanding answers--hold your desire with an open hand before God knowing He will make it all clear sometimes just a step at a time. Once God confirms and leads, follow Him and trust Him with the results--where you end up exactly may surprise you, but delight in the journey with Him...He is faithful!
"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14
Honestly, I've been frustrated by "waiting" in our fast paced culture, but have experienced the huge blessing and wisdom of it. A period of waiting allows God time to prepare your character for what is to come. Through time, a desire can either fade if its not from God or blossom into something larger than originally conceived. If others are to be involved in the desire, time is a gift to align all hearts in a unified direction so no one feels forced or pushed into anything. Waiting is simply surrendering of our agenda to God's will and timing--it is always better whe

n His spirit goes before you and prepares the way than charging ahead in your own strength! Waiting is much like a flower blooming...abide, wait, blossom in the Son and grow into fruit! The fruit is always worth the wait!!
"The vision (desire) is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay." Habakkuk 2:3
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