I've come to realize for years, out of respect for God and His Word, I mined the Bible for commands so I could apply them and have a godly little life. His Word is true and there is definitely blessing in obedience, but I found my heart was growing cold and hard and I was dying inside. I didn't desire a thing and really life became a mundane list of self imposed "Chrisitian" rules. I was managing my life, on my own really, using Chrisitian principles. Why this became so burdensome and harsh on my heart is rules takes God out of the picture. Its all human effort to be a Christian without the love, protection and provision by God. Its orphan, humanistic thinking and acting. I am realizing my life was somewhat directly related to my view of God--a judge that was distant.
As I've journeyed with God, He has healed hurt places in my heart, replaced lies that held me captive with His truth and opened my eyes to more of Him and His glorious ways. I'm finding myself in a new place and its exciting. The pressure to perform is off and so is the pressure to "control" my kids into being a Christian. Its like going from trying to hold all that life throws at you with my arms around it trying to carry and move it, to arms open wide encircled in God's arms with joy, rest and a quiet heart. This is a deeper surrender than any list of rules can give. Its a surrender to Someone bigger than myself in whom I can place my COMPLETE trust. Not only is this LIFE, its a broader path to walk and its the path to life (Ps. 18:36, 16:11) because God is leading instead of me controlling. My heart is daring to desire things out of reach because its not up to me to provide and orchestrate. Its up to me to ask God, the giver of good things, and wait upon His best--timing, opportunity, provision--whether it be yes or no. The pressure is off of me to figure it out, to find a rule to get me from point A to B, to get my kids in line. I can relax into the great I AM and know He is working for a far greater good than my human heart can even comprehend, and He is more jealous for all of our hearts to love Him and come to Him than any of my rules can produce. Not to mention, by living LOVED instead of controlling, He leads me to places I would have never gone for His glory. Its not about staying safe, its about being safe to venture out because He shows the way.
I'm loving having my arms open wide in worship instead of closed around life and those I know trying to control them in the name of Jesus.

What do you want?
Now take the next step...I dare you!