Have you ever had the privilege of watching a butterfly emerge from a chrysalis? That crusty shell is split open and out pops a fragile butterfly that must rest, pumping its wings before it takes flight. What must it have felt like moments before squished in that shell then all of the sudden expanded in all of its glory and with space abounding?
I have found that my thoughts can be negative and critical as if I'm looking for a reason to find fault so I can feel better about myself or pat myself on the back or come up with a grander solution or carry a burden that isn't mine to carry---let's be honest, its all pride really! These are traps that hold me hostage like the chysalis. In order to transform, I must bust through this barrier, this stronghold, that is so familiar, so I can emerge radiant and free. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, God's Word says to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ in order to demolish strongholds. This requires diligence and a filter of what thoughts I am allowing to come in. The enemy of our souls loves to bait us with fleeting thoughts, accusations, lies and anxiousness. If we take it, we quickly go down those slippery slopes of doubt, bitterness, jealousy, self hatred, etc. All of these are too familiar paths that are part of our old nature. However, Jesus came to give us light, to set us free and to replace lies with truth so we might live as a child of God with peace, joy, hope and love...things that are of His Kingdom.
Next time you see a butterfly, think of its process to freedom...dying to self (the caterpillar), transformation and busting through barriers, rest, drinking deeply of nectar and flight to new and further places. "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free" Gal. 5:1. May freedom be yours as you take time to rest, to take thoughts captive, to transform, and to drink in TRUTH, His nectar, so that His thoughts become your thoughts and who you are becoming!!
I have found that my thoughts can be negative and critical as if I'm looking for a reason to find fault so I can feel better about myself or pat myself on the back or come up with a grander solution or carry a burden that isn't mine to carry---let's be honest, its all pride really! These are traps that hold me hostage like the chysalis. In order to transform, I must bust through this barrier, this stronghold, that is so familiar, so I can emerge radiant and free. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, God's Word says to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ in order to demolish strongholds. This requires diligence and a filter of what thoughts I am allowing to come in. The enemy of our souls loves to bait us with fleeting thoughts, accusations, lies and anxiousness. If we take it, we quickly go down those slippery slopes of doubt, bitterness, jealousy, self hatred, etc. All of these are too familiar paths that are part of our old nature. However, Jesus came to give us light, to set us free and to replace lies with truth so we might live as a child of God with peace, joy, hope and love...things that are of His Kingdom.
Next time you see a butterfly, think of its process to freedom...dying to self (the caterpillar), transformation and busting through barriers, rest, drinking deeply of nectar and flight to new and further places. "It is for freedom that Christ has set you free" Gal. 5:1. May freedom be yours as you take time to rest, to take thoughts captive, to transform, and to drink in TRUTH, His nectar, so that His thoughts become your thoughts and who you are becoming!!