Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another Lesson From My Sheepdog

Kody, our sheepdog is now 7 months old. At first he was incredibly timid and super quiet as he observed all of our activities. It seemed he wasn't quite sure what his role was. As I've blogged before, he had trust issues from being a stray. Now as he's grown in trusting us, his personality is really coming alive. My favorite quirk of his is his morning "routine". After being in his kennel all night, he is sooo excited to see us in the morning. After going "potty" outside he comes in the house and grabs the first bone he sees and energetically wanders from person to person hoping for an invitation into a lap. This is such a special time for me as he just exudes happiness through all of his moaning, wheezing, and constant wiggles. Its like he's filling up on our love to be brave the rest of the day. As he has come to trust us, he is growing in his "glory"--being a sheepdog, which translates into guarding his "sheep"--us, his family. He has been offering his glory in barking at strange noises, greeting new people to make sure they are safe, playing fetch and quietly laying on our porch "on guard".

This crazy, love-filled morning routine makes me desire similar in my morning routine with God. To be so excited to be in His presence for the shear delight of it, knowing He delights in being with me as well. A time just to fill up on who He is, who He says I am, and grow in trust and Christ-likeness. All of this is so I can grow in love, freedom and confidence. Out of that I can offer more of who He created me to be for His glory and enjoy more LIFE that is truly life.

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord." 2 Corinthians 3:18

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

How is your "morning routine"? May you be transformed from glory to glory as you draw near Him who loves you most. May His kingdom advance as His glory in you is offered out of a heart full of love and life. What would the world be missing if you did not offer your glory?

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