I've observed the joyful folks at the elderly care places and they all have one thing in common--they care about others more than themselves. They are the ones welcoming visitors; expressing interest in others. They are the ones who wheel their way over to the door to press the button to open it for you before you get your key out; trying to serve instead of being served. They are the ones who live for a greater purpose than just their own comfort. Some examples of this are writing a resident newsletter, carrying around jokes printed on a piece of paper to share a laugh with others, going to the activities to be involved in others' lives, or escorting me, the visitor, who is lost to the place I'm trying to find. From experience, these are the rare ones. This is why the few I've had the privilege of being inspired by stick out in my mind so strongly.
In light of glory and giftings from God, it so refreshes me to know it can shine throughout EVERY stage of life if we choose to give. It all starts before our body to gives way to age; it is more mental than physical really. Its the choice to practice the presence of self or practice the presence of Christ. Jesus said to gain life we must lose it, must give it away. I truly see this at work in the those few who have chosen well. They probably didn't ask themselves 30 years ago who will I become?...they simply refused to only be concerned about themselves. They are the ones I look forward to seeing, even if from afar because I see joy and peace which invites others to be near instead of the misery of self centeredness which honestly makes you visit because you have to and not because you want to!
So ask yourself, who do I want to become? Then start living in light of that today!
"The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." Romans 8:6
"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses is life for me will save it." Luke 9:24
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