However, we don't always come to the table that's before us, preferring the junk food that's easier to grab---fretting, obsession with politics, busyness, relational issues and the list goes on. For me, this junk food steals my joy, makes me churned up inside and escalates the problems of the world. It’s like trying to solve all the problems first so I can trust and enjoy Jesus. We all know chips and candy do not lead to physical health. So why do we let the spiritual junk food rule our day? It’s like staring at a dark, gloomy mountain of junk that’s too high to climb, when I could be abiding in the vine, enjoying the Son and growing regardless of the world around me.
Perhaps you "eat" from the same place on the buffet, like a picky eater afraid to try something new. Always spending time with God the "same" way is safe but is boring and can feel "stuck"--try something different!
Welcome to God’s buffet---His Word, worship, devotionals, rich fellowship, extended times away/retreats, books to read, really letting go of sin/bitterness/etc., forgiveness, healing, someone to reach out to, opportunities to shine using your gifts, fasting, prayer, listening, dancing, desires He places in your heart…Come to the table and choose a balanced diet. It may take you out of your comfort zone, require self discipline to make time or better choices, or simply recognize a desire for more and a larger vision than going through the routine.
What are you feasting on? Are you tired of your spiritual meals? With the start of 2012, get out of the rut; how about trying something new off of His table? I dare you!!! You will be blessed. And you’ll discover there truly is always MORE!!!